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At the end of my life, one of the last things I’d ever want said about me is “Scott was a good guy, he just couldn’t seem to get his shit together.”

You have to stop with the EXCUSES and BLAME

It’s an old pattern and cycle that will keep you from accomplishing the things that you want more in life.

Every day I hear them and it pains my heart and soul because I KNOW you’re stronger than you’re showing up at right now.

I’m going to give some tips that will help you take your life to the next level.

You’ve got to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your entire life.

I don’t workout every morning just to have abs or look strong. I workout because it develops self discipline. I have a habit of doing one extra rep or one extra set every single day.

I do it every single morning before life gets too busy as a husband, father of 5, and a business owner.

If you can change your mind about what discipline really is, you will begin to welcome it into your life.

I work daily on creating a pattern of doing just a little more, of going that extra inch and My morning workout is the BEST and EASIEST place to practice because I can pick up one extra weight or do one more set and it literally SHIFTS your identity.

I don’t follow a meal plan ONLY because “abs are made in the kitchen”, I follow a meal plan because it develops DISCIPLINE in my life which bleeds over into my relationships and my business results.

My goal is not to make sure you make a ton of money or even that you have the best transformation photos out there.

My goal is to EMPOWER you to continually develop into your fullest potential. My friend it’s time to show yourself, your family, and those around you how incredibly STRONG you are.

Stop The Excuses

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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