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Team Beachbody in Success Magazine

Team Beachbody in Success Magazine

That is right!  Team Beachbody is in Success Magazine and on the cover.  It was so amazing to see a few of my friends on the front page of this magazine.  In 2012 I ended the year at #16 in the whole country out of 100,000 coaches and became and Elite Team Beachbody Coach.  This was something I worked hard for all year long.  This year I am doing more.  I am determined and committed to being in the top 5 at the end of the year in the race for the Elite Top 10 adventure to Italy.  I have no doubt in myself and that our team of coaches will push themselves on their goals this year.  The cool thing about having Team Beachbody in Success Magazine is that it shows that the opportunity with Team Beachbody is well-recognized.

Team Beachbody in Success Magazine

All of the Elite coaches are named in this magazine.


Team Beachbody in Success Magazine

“There’s no doubt that Team Beachbody has change my life physically, emotionally, and financially. The income opportunity is great but what far surpasses that aspect is the way that I have grown as a person. I always struggled with self-esteem and cared way to much about what others thought of me. I let my thoughts and past insecurities control my life and who I was or believed I was supposed to be. Today I can stand tall and be proud of who I am. I have found my purpose in life and a way to serve others. I strive to help people overcome their past and to learn Servant Leadership so that they can pay it forward to others. I get to spend time with my wife and four beautiful children. Our marriage is better than it’s ever been before because we have been working on becoming better people individually. A lot of the flaws I had as a Father and Husband were things I thought I saw in others, but in fact were my own. I love life and vow to stand tall through all rough times that may lie ahead and be a lighthouse to all who may feel lost or temporarily at a stand still in their life progress. I will always be here, just as a lighthouse.”



Do you have a story of how Team Beachbody has changed your life physically, financially, or emotionally?  If so please comment below I would LOVE to hear your story and perhaps feature you in a future post