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What is a Beachbody Coach?

What is a Beachbody Coach?

Desiree Matise

So what is a Beachbody Coach?  Anybody can become a Team Beachbody coach if they have a desire to continually become better every single day.  We are talking about improving your overall health, your fitness, your nutrition, and your overall personal development.  I have our brand new Team Beachbody coaches make a video to introduce them to our Coach Basis Group so that we begin the process of doing things that are not comfortable and so that we can feel more connected with them and their journey.  Honestly every Team Beachbody Coach has a different “WHY” or reason that they became a coach and that is the thing that makes them have the desire to spend their free time helping others achieve their goals.   I want to share with you a video from Desiree that she posted to our Coach Basics (Coach training group) last night.  Honestly I teared up listening to her talk about her family and their health.  I am excited every time that somebody finds more purpose in their lives.  Speaking of finding purpose in your life, I just started reading the book called “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren and I absolutely love it.

What is a Beachbody Coach?

We are excited to see you learn, grow, and make an impact on other people’s lives.  Thank you for sharing your WHY and reason for being a coach.  You are very easy to relate to and a great example of a Team Beachbody Coach with a purpose.