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Why should I workout

Why should I workout?

Josh Winningham

I get many of my friends asking, dude, “why should I workout, I’m pretty busy at work and always on my feet.”  My answer is simple.  Yes that is active and better than sitting in a desk but it’s really not challenging you physically to become better. So why should you workout?  At least for me it wasn’t all about losing weight.  In fact when I first started I lost 38 lbs and was TOO light for my size so I needed to gain weigh to be at a healthy BMI. Within the first few days of working out I noticed a miracle.  I was full of energy and my mindset and mood was increased dramatically.  With that being said I want to share what happened with my friend Josh in just his first 60 days of using the Beachbody program called INSANITY.


results may vary

Josh shared with me about his first 60 days, “I got started so I could show my 3 boys that it could be done, and to motivate them to work even harder at what they do.  I feel tons better, I am able to scrimmage against my sons high school basketball team, and get out and run and practice with the 7/8th football team I coach.  I will continue to try to help others because every one deserves the chance to live a better and healthier life, some of them just need help to find out how easily it can be attained.” – Josh

This is what I LOVE about being a TEAM BEACHBODY COACH.  It’s not about being a fitness and health Guru, it’s about working on yourself and sharing that with others.  It still blows my mind that Beachbody pays you to share what is working for you with your friends.

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