This is my cousin Brian Hobbs who was SICK of seeing transformation photos on Facebook and then THIS HAPPENED……….. He’s now done of 100 workouts and feeling stronger than ever.

“Sometimes it would make me upset; the people on Facebook who have had amazing stories of major body transformation—you know–from beer belly to six-pack abs, from chain-smoker to marathon runner, from weakling to gym rat. Sure they’re inspiring, but it can get frustrating to realize your own fitness is flat-lining. I knew this. I was overweight, lost my purpose, didn’t make goals, and ended up every night on the couch; tired, exhausted, and unhappy, trying to forget about where I should, and need to be while stuffing my mouth with chips. It seemed like any normal day, I planted myself on the couch to scroll through Facebook. And there it was– another transformation story–grrrr. I thought about scrolling passed it but this particular one caught my eye. It was the facial expression of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ transformation, not the body transformation that was inspirational. A once lost appearance in the before picture was replaced with a message of ‘I’m alive’ in the after picture. Behind the somewhat lazy smile of the before picture was replace by a smile that communicated ‘I have purpose’. It was like these incredible people were reborn and renewed, like ‘the phoenix rising from its ashes.’ It was those facial expressions that motivated me to make a change.
On Dec. 26, 2018, I started my fitness journey. Deciding to make that big lifestyle change is often the easy part. If you’re not happy about something in your life, it’s easy to acknowledge it and say you’re going to change. However, to actually follow through and make that change happen you’ll need a ton of determination. I knew it was going to be tough and I was determined. To help me not to be discouraged by the long road ahead, I set up a 6 month calendar in my bathroom. It was a big calendar, wife wasn’t too happy about the setup but, it was what I needed to do to rise and begin my own transformation. This would be my visual reminder that documented my progress. Every day I would mark that I completed my workout. Somedays it was easy; others days it was hard. But I never missed a day except for my kids’ birthdays. Family time is always important.

During these months, I have pushed myself further than I thought possible. I’ve done workouts where I was pouring sweat and woke up with aches and pains. But guess what, I still pulled through. I still finished. I shut my brain off and put in the work. I felt myself get stronger and I noticed changes externally and, more important, internally. I quit drinking soda completely. I don’t eat fast food anymore. My attitude changed. I am happier. More confident. My shirts fit again! I had to buy a smaller belt! I’m more active and productive. So, this has been my story through the last few months. I wish I could tell you there’s some magic trick or well-kept secret about being happy and finding purpose, but the truth is that happiness is progress. It is moving ahead. It is pushing yourself up through your own ashes to become a better person; to transform into some better. Currently, I’m on day 118 of working out I can honestly say, I feel amazing. I feel change. More important I see confidence. I see dedication. I see power. I see purpose.”
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