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September 2011 - Page 5 of 7 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
Keep Faith

Keep Faith

KEEP FAITH The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called failure, a loop called CONFUSION, speed bumps called FRIENDS, red lights called ENEMIES, caution lights called FAMILY.  You will have flats called JOBS. But if you have a spare called...
I’m a Coach at Team Beachbody!

I’m a Coach at Team Beachbody!

I’m a Coach at Team Beachbody! Who would of thought that pushing play on P90X everyday would change my life, and that of my family. A new future, huge dreams, and a lot of personal development....
The “Brobrid”

The “Brobrid”

If anyone knows how to BRING IT and DIG DEEPER it’s this trio from Team Dyansty!  David, Tremaine, and Luis all from different parts of the country came up with their own hybrid which we all know by the name of “BROBRID!”   Each one of them is...
P90X2 Video!

P90X2 Video!

PRE-ORDER your P90X2 NOW! – Make me your free coach and let’s do this...