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June 2024 - Page 2 of 4 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
My posture is horrible

My posture is horrible

Have you ever just seen a picture of yourself and you’re like “wait… that’s what I look like???” We were scrolling through some pictures for inspiration of a home of one of our friends that just got finished when I came across this photo. My posture is horrible. If...
Your brain is not built to make you happy

Your brain is not built to make you happy

“Watch your thoughts for they become your word; Watch your words, for they become your actions; watch your actions, for they become your habits; watch your habits, for they become your character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” Your brain as...
Create Habits

Create Habits

Be the drop that starts the ripple.  Imagine in one year you create habits and routines that give you more energy and lead you to feeling better all together.  When you FEEL good you have more energy to love and serve other people.  My mind is blown that you...
Your income is stuck

Your income is stuck

“Your income is stuck at the ceiling of your ambition.” This event was like a warm hug and a kick in the A%* all at the same time. My mentor Brendon shared this from the stage yesterday and tears immediately began to stream down my cheeks. I was so upset for the first...
Want more in life

Want more in life

At the end of my life, one of the last things I’d ever want said about me is “Scott was a good guy, he just couldn’t seem to get his shit together.” You have to stop with the EXCUSES and BLAME. It’s an old pattern and cycle that will keep you from accomplishing...