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July 2024 - Page 5 of 6 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Business as a BODi Partner

Business as a BODi Partner

I had a HUGE advantage when I started building my business as a BODi Partner that I bet you don’t have right now and I’m almost certain of it because you’re reading this post right now. I didn’t have a smart phone. I had little temptation or ability to be distracted...
This life is not a dress rehearsal

This life is not a dress rehearsal

You have a dream and you should go for it no matter what and despite the fear. Go make the absolute most of the life that you were given because This life is not a dress rehearsal. As I was pursuing the idea of starting my own business, I heard some businessmen say,...
Failure is how we grow

Failure is how we grow

Success rarely sparks much reflection. Failure is how we grow. I’ve heard multiple times on my personal growth journey that success is in the process, not the outcome. When you don’t depend on a specific outcome to define your worth, you are free to become great by...
Your perfect day

Your perfect day

One of the most powerful things that you can ever do for yourself will be to craft your perfect day. This exercise is something I’ve done for 14 years and has led to the beautiful life that I get to experience today with my family. Step 1. I’m going to help you do...
Complaining about long hours at work

Complaining about long hours at work

“You’re always complaining about long hours at work you should be a personal trainer because I see how much you love health and fitness.” That’s a message I got on IM back in 2010 from a former mission companion from the 2 years I served in Venezuela. At that time two...