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August 2024 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Ton of work to do

Ton of work to do

I found this picture of Mila when I was looking through my hard drive of pictures and I had a memory pop into my mind while journaling. So we ALL have a ton of work to do as well as responsibilities in life. For example I am running a LARGE online business from home,...
Fill the emptiness in your heart

Fill the emptiness in your heart

Without a clear purpose in this life, it’s possible you will keep changing the direction you are going in life: your jobs, relationships, churches, or beliefs. There are times during my short 43 years on earth where I have not been focused on the right priorities and...
A few lessons I’ve learned in my 43 years of life

A few lessons I’ve learned in my 43 years of life

Grateful to have completed another trip around the sun today. Just a few lessons I’ve learned in my 43 years of life: 1. Don’t waste your energy trying to get approval from other people. 2. You don’t have to be everything for everyone. 3. The more good choices you...
Keep growing

Keep growing

“Whenever people stop actively learning and growing, the clock has started ticking down to a time when they will no longer have anything left to give. If you want to keep giving, you have to keep growing. Sometimes people stop learning because they become complacent....
Awards trophies to people for simply showing up

Awards trophies to people for simply showing up

“We live in a culture that awards trophies to people for simply showing up, regardless of their contribution.” You say that that you have goals and maybe even a vision for your life. If you are just doing what is expected of you right now, that may be holding you back...