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September 2024 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Live in our Dream Home

Live in our Dream Home

“May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” -Psalm 20:4 Goethe understood the relationship between having big life altering goals, and shorter momentum building goals when he said, “It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead...
Top Male Bodi Partner

Top Male Bodi Partner

Someone I know gave up on their business after less than 2 months. “I guess some things just aren’t meant to be”. I’ve led one of the Top male Bodi partner teams for the past 14 years consecutively so I want to share some things with you. These are my ONE year...
“We can’t afford that”

“We can’t afford that”

“I would just sit there for hours holding my son all swaddled up like a burrito.” In 2011 I heard this man Craig talk about how is business bought him back his time and that he was present with his kids and able to be at home holding his newborn son. I wanted that....
Help people set goals

Help people set goals

Every day as a partner and coach I have the opportunity to help people set goals. Maybe you’ve tried before but fallen short. I want to help you. The secret to building great momentum in life is to start small with the simple stuff. I was reading 15 Invaluable Laws of...