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30 Minute Home Workouts- Earn $500 Dollars

30 Minute Home Workouts

Scott’s P90X3 Transformation

I want to give Scott a HUGE shout out for sharing his 30 minute home workouts journey with us.  He lost 70 lbs and can now do Pull ups without an assist bar.  The thing that I LOVE is that he shared his results in the Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 that they give out daily.  Not only does Beachbody give out $500 they also send you a t-shirt for the program that you complete.  If you have finished a program like Scott has, make sure that you submit your results in the Beachbody Challenge so that you can earn your shirt and have the chance to win the $500!

30 Minute Home Workouts

results may vary

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
1/2 hour workouts were an awesome length. P90X3 has given me the chance to get my life back in order. I am amazed at what can be done by following this program and how little time it takes out of my life and am looking forward to my results after finishing the 2nd round.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I’m proud of losing 70 pounds plus being able to do multiple pull ups. I had to use the pull up assist band for every pull up. I have seen tremendous improvement on pull ups after completing round 1. I couldn’t get my feet off the ground to start.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?

Tremendously, I can now go on runs and ride my road bike long distances and feel great doing it. I am also able to keep up with my children after losing so much weight. The change has been all positive.