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6 steps on How to survive when your world is falling apart around you. |

Raising a family and building a life of your dreams for them and your future posterity is no easy task. From the outside it may look like we have the “perfect” family but that’s far from the truth. We’ve been through HARD times, we’ve been separated on the edge of divorce, and there’s been times we have each wanted to give up.

In the past 3 weeks our basement flooded AND a vehicle crashed into our garage/ side of the house but we’re still showing up and my response to a friend I ran into yesterday when they ask how I was doing, “It’s the best day of my life”

I responded that way because I’m breathing. 150,000 people every day take their last breath on this earth and move on to the next part of their journey.

We’re all just children trying to figure out how to live this life. You, me, and that person that you’re trying to help.

I’m grateful for Gabby and I’m grateful for both of our parents who want what’s best for this beautiful family of 7 and the future generations to come.

6 steps on How to survive when your world is falling apart around you.

I’m grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the infinite atonement.

So I’m going to share with you 6 things I have learned in the past few years that will help.

6 steps on How to survive when your world is falling apart around you.

Step 1. Gain your own strong testimony of the Christ and his gospel.

Step 2. Personal obedience to righteous commitments and covenants.

Step 3. Confidence in your personal standing with God.

Step 4. Allow for a “time out” when things become overwhelming and try again later after you’ve regained your strength.

Step 5. Try again, and keep trying, even though there may seem to be little or no hope of success because of seemingly “impossible” people. It is Christlike to keep trying with people.

Step 6. Love your enemies. Desire good for them. Do good for them. Such feelings and actions provide stability and are a means to spiritual survival for ones self-confidence in your personal standing with God.

If you’re going through a challenging time, hold your head up and know that you can come out stronger. God cares a lot more about who we are and about who we are becoming, than about who we once were.


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