80 Day Obsession Men
I am excited to share with you my 80 Day Obsession results as I know you have been seeing many of the challengers and test group participants from our groups have been women. (You’ll be seeing MANY new blog posts over the next few days here on this blog as I share their results with YOU.) As a man, this program has CHANGED me in a couple of ways and I want to share that journey with you. I have also been asked many times this week, “What are you doing next?” Today we decided with some friends here on the annual Beachbody Success Club Trip in Mexico that we will be doing P90X and following the 80 Day Obsession Timed Nutrition Meal plan.
- I have struggled with some areas or vices in my life that challenge my will-power every day. There is something about mastering my discipline with following this timed nutrition and the challenging workouts that kept my mind focused on my forward progress and goals with completing this program that my vices slipped away and were nearly non-existent.
- I realized that in the 8 years of doing workouts from home, I have been holding back when it gets “challenging”. There was something about the way Autumn spoke to me that helped remind me every day that I am capable of achieving my goals and that the only way to get what I want is to push myself beyond what I am comfortable doing.
- Aside from ONE day, I ate NO chocolate, chips, or candy over the course of the 80 days. I feel that this was probably one of the biggest accomplishments that was achieved over the past 80 days. I realize that PRIOR to following this meal plan, I was eating some sort of sweets at least ONCE per day. I was putting MASSIVE amounts of sugar in my oatmeal and other foods. I truly realized that I was an emotional eater and I am PROUD to say that I have realized that fact so that I can be aware in the future and moving forward.
- I realize that I was NOT eating the right foods or the right amounts of food. Following this meal plan was eye-opening to me about the ways that I was holding myself back by not eating enough foods. Before I was not eating the right foods to properly fuel my body and to help it become stronger. I fell in love with eating GREENS and realized that I was eating about 1/5TH the amount of veggies that I should be eating in one day.
- I ended my journey at 163 lbs and started at 168.5lbs. That is 5.5 lbs of weight loss. The mind blowing part to me is that a few years ago prior to my collarbone re-build, surgery on both biceps, and a torn rotator cuff I weighed 185 lbs. I hopped on the bench press with my friend and realized that I am STRONGER now than I was when I weighed 22 lbs more. This is due to the amount of strength I gained in my back, core, and glutes.
- I came to LOVE working legs and butt. This feels weird to write and and share but I always avoided to an extent really challenging myself on leg day with previous programs when it was only ONE day a week. With 80 Day Obsession I literally worked legs, glutes, or quads in SOME way EVERY single day and I love working those muscle groups now.
I could probably list many other things other than the 7 above but I have to give a huge shout out to our accountability and test group for giving everything they had as well. The SUPPORT that we shared together as a team is what really helped me follow through on the days when I woke up and didn’t feel like working out. I knew that they were counting on me and they knew that I was counting on them. ( If you want to apply for a future test group APPLY HERE.)