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9/11 We will remember

 I set a challenge and many participated.  Some did pushups, some did crunches, some did jumping jacks, and some ran 9.11 miles.  We all did this in rememberance of so many that lost their lives on this day 10 years ago.  I was going to do them throughout the day but later decided I would make it more of a struggle for me.  I wanted to do it in 2:00 hours.  I came close and ended at 2:07.  I struggled immensely but this struggle was no where near the struggle of those that lost loved ones that day.  I felt like giving up after about 400 pushups and decided to search Youtube for video clips of that day.  It was emotional and and I cryed.  This emotion gave me the drive to keep going and to not give up on what I had set in my mind.  I’m glad we decided to do this challenge together.  We all posted our numbers on facebook as we hit certain marks.

Sept 11, 2011. Doing 911 push ups for a challenge by Scottie Hobbs. I guess the point was to offer a show of support & sacrifice. I suffered a little, the victims & families suffered a lot. I did 400 on my knees, then decided I needed to hurt more so I did the rest on my toes, then the last 11 were dive-bomber push ups. The whole time I thought of all that was lost and all we continue to lose. I cried. I thought of our troops and their families. I thought of my soldier. Thank God we have people out there protecting us, sacrificing their freedom & lives so that we may live free. I love you all. -Sheri Johnson


Chris Tuttle – Hey Scottie I did your 9 11 challenge. I did 9 sets of situps.. And 11 repetitions

Jeff Kipe- 9/11 challenge. I did 300 push ups, 100 sit ups. It was really a good measure for me, because it really showed my improvements in 59 days!

Heather Hobbs- 911 Crunches

Josh Leonard- Ran 9.11 miles

Dan Denning- 911 Pushups

Charles Keaton- 911 Pushups

Angel Hansen- 911 Pushups

Mike Orefice-‎ 11k Run and Kenpo !

Bobby Ledford-  I did 911 jumping jacks in sets of 100 and took a small break in between, a very small break. then when i got to 700 i did the last 211 straight and just killed it and loved every minute of it.  It was for a great cause and that day we lost a lot of good Americans in this world.