Grateful to have completed another trip around the sun today.
Just a few lessons I’ve learned in my 43 years of life:
1. Don’t waste your energy trying to get approval from other people.
2. You don’t have to be everything for everyone.
3. The more good choices you make the more you keep your inner peace and not much feels better than that.
4. You can forgive people AND keep your distance.
5. When you stand up for yourself and speak up when something bothers you, it does not mean you’re getting offended.
6. When you give with out expecting anything in return, you somehow end up with all that you need.
7. Real wealth is FEELING good.

8. Time does go really fast with your kids so spend time with them. They want your presence more than presents.
9. Everything is figure-out-able. If you treat something or someone in the end like you did in the beginning there will be no end. (marriage, relationships, business)
10. Don’t waste your energy trying to prove somebody wrong about their beliefs. Just confidently share your own.
There’s a ton more but hey, I need to get these kids off to school and get this workout done.
As former president Jimmy Carter said, “I have one life and one chance to make it count for some-thing…. My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”