There is something super special about this picture to me. Just 18 days after the birth of Ellie, my 3rd daughter, I was sitting in my office at work feeling overwhelmed with the fact that the doctor bills were coming in and I had no means saved up at the time to pay them. The hospital bill, doctor bill, the blue cross statement saying what they would pay and what I owed.
On top of that, I knew that there was a group of people called coaches who were on a cruise in the caribbean being rewarded for helping people with their health and fitness programs.
Here I am in a cubicle stressed out to the feeling of drowning and they are having fun and doing something they love and being rewarded.
I was a hard worker, I always have been, so why was I here stressed out and full of anxiety while others seemed to be living a lifestyle that was healthier and more fulfilling?
Like any other good Dad or parent I will do whatever it takes to take care of the family even if it means picking up side jobs and working extra hours.
But there is a downside to that right? Now you have LESS time for the kids and family and you are up to your head in work and jobs. Also not the lifestyle I wanted.
So I am sitting there with this sense of overwhelming feelings sort of like drowning right?
I’m overworked, under-paid, and under-appreciated. I know that I can become a part of BODi but I am afraid of the unknown. I am afraid of investing close to $150 to get signed up and started with my new workout program and Shakeology.

What if I fail?
What if nobody listens to me?
What if I give up like I have on so many things before?
What if I get made fun of?
What if I can’t keep up?
What if I am not as good as others?
I don’t have a smart phone
I don’t have internet in my home
I have little sales skills
I’m introverted and shy
I don’t have much time working 12-15 hours a day at my job
If I do this I want to be the best BODi partner.
All of these feelings were scaring me from taking the leap for 8 months prior to this day, but that day the pain and fear of not knowing what to do and how to provide for my family was far greater than the fear of failure and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I needed to become an official partner with BODi. I already LOVED the workouts and the people, so why not join?
I walked over to the fax machine and sent papers to sign up as a partner that morning. I get asked all the time, “so when did you really start to get this business and when did you start getting momentum?”
My response is simple. It was THAT day on April 11th 2011 when I enrolled. That day my pain for where I was at in life was greater than the pain or fear of failing as a partner.
I am not looking for people with the best sales skills or degrees only. I want people that are disciplined and hard working. I want people who LOVE to help and serve others. I want Mom’s and Dad’s who are searching for a sense of purpose and belonging because that was me 14 years ago.
This message is for YOU. If you are out there and find this post and have felt any of these feelings and are ready to take a leap of faith, comment below and I will send you 5 videos ( a total of under 25 minutes) to see if your goals and morals would align good with our family and team. I am no pressure as I know that each and every person has their own timing. It’s time for YOU to start designing YOUR LIFE.
If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you.
If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application.
If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE
Your perspective on this issue is both original and insightful!