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Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything

I wanted to share an amazing poem from the book I am reading called Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell.  Have you ever wondered why some people always produce better results or always come out ahead.  It is not always the skill that the possess rather the attitude that they carry. Attitude is Everything.  If you want to WIN, believe in yourself and carry yourself with a winning attitude.  In your mind you are already there.

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t

If you’d like to win but think you can’t

It almost certain you won’t.

 Life’s battles don’t always go away

To the stronger or faster man,

But sooner or later, the man who wins

Is the man who thinks he can.

Attitude is Everything.  It’s the attitude that makes the difference.  People with negative thinking may start well, have a few good days, and win a match.  But sooner or later (it’s usually sooner), their attitude will pull them down.

The Pessimist complains about the wind

The optimist expects it to change.

The Leader adjust the sails.

The greatest day in your life or in mine for example will be the day that you take TOTAL responsibility for your attitudes.  That will be the day that we truly grow up.

“We cannot choose how many years we will live, but we can choose how much life those years will have.

We cannot control the beauty of our face, but we can control the expression on it.

We cannot control life’s difficult moments, but we can choose to make life less difficult.

We cannot control the negative atmosphere of the world, but we can control the atmosphere of our MINDS.

Too often , we try to choose to control things we cannot. 

Too seldom, we choose to control what we can…. our attitude.

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