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Be an Active Mom - Real workouts, nutrition, and ACCOUNTABILITY

Be an Active Mom


Time to get new PJs for this amazing mom. She has lost 78 lbs so far with a portion meal plan and 30 minute workouts 6 days a week from home.  Veronica Schoor found the energy to be an active mom that she wanted to be for her 2 young boys. Do you want to be an active mom?  Do you need something that you can do from home?  Do you need some accountability?

be an active mom, workout from home

Veronica shared: “In about nine months I have lost 78 pounds. I have gained strength, and, in addition to the outward physical results, I have gained the self-esteem, confidence, and energy I had been lacking for some time. Through this program, I have acquired an overall peace and happiness with my body, my health, and my life!”

Whichever program you decide to do,

I have two pieces of advice:

(1) DO IT. Don’t pretend/halfway do it, commit to it and see it through.

(2) Surround yourself with other people who are as committed to succeed as you. There with be nothing worse than fighting an uphill battle alone. You will face challenges and obstacles and it will be important to have somebody in your corner  Find an accountability group or become a coach and start a challenge group.