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Be the Best You - God made YOU Beautiful

Be the Best You


So many times we get caught up in comparing ourselves to other people in all areas of life. I’m not going to lie when I say that my first few months I used to compare myself with people in my industry including my own coach who were having great success in all areas of life. It wasn’t until I listened to something that said ” A person with endurance overtime can overcome a person with natural talents and abilities.” It was in that moment during my workout while listening and learning that I had something come to my mind as clear as day. I realized that when God was up there creating the world and creating individuals like you and me that he DIDN’T say, “You know what? I’m going to make Scottie just a little bit better than so and so. Oh, and I think I’ll create Tony Robbins to be much better than the average person.” NO, this is not how it was. God created us all equal, loves each of us individually, and gave us each our OWN UNIQUE TALENTS that he wants us to let SHINE in this world. That is why it’s so dangerous to try and be somebody else or try to run somebody else’s race. God wants YOU to be the BEST YOU that you can be so that you can live your purpose and your destiny.

“I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you’re a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation.” -Joel Osteen

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