Can we take a minute to celebrate this amazing Mom!?!?!? Our coach Beth is one of the Beachbody Top 10 Coaches 2020 and creating LEADERS inside of our team and for the entire Team Beachbody network of coaches.
I want you to blow up this post with some LOVE. Today is Beth Isbell‘s birthday but there is MUCH more I want to share about this incredible woman.

Beth and her team of ROCKSTARS, “The Dream Dynasty” has been in the top #5 of all Beachbody in 2020 and currently moved up to the #4 spot out of over 350,000 coaches. I’d say that is a PRETTY big deal and deserves to be recognized.
But let’s take a minute to talk about what her team has done recently as well. Beth has advanced her 1st business center to the rank of 4 Star Diamond. Her 2nd business center is 4 Star Diamond qualifying. She has one of her leaders Mallory Landry who has advanced her business to 2 Star Diamond.

She’s a woman who is creating LEADERS and not just followers. The most recent advancements in her team are these new diamond coaches. We have Carmen Wise, Brooke Copeland, Stacey Bruss, Emily Esselburn, and Kristyn Berry!
When her team ends this year in the Top 10 this year Beth will get to go on the Elite Top 10 adventure to Barcelona. We’ve been on a Top 10 trip and there are NO words to describe how incredible the experience is. If you know somebody from this team, drop some LOVE on this post because Top 10 wouldn’t be possible without the eforts of EACH coach on the DREAM DYNASTY!.