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Become Beachbody Coach in the UK- Do you have results?

Become Beachbody Coach in the UK

I want to give a shout out to my buddy Thomas who is going to become a Beachbody Coach in the UK but there is am important message that I want to share with you first and foremost.  He has been in our fitness challenge group for the past 3 months and started Body Beast and has just completed the entire 90 day program.  Thomas I am super excited and proud of you for your support and help in our fitness challenge but even more excited about the impact that you are making on your little ones.

I have many reasons for starting Body Beast but the most motivating reason for me is my kids. I want to be fit and healthy enough to keep up with them. I want them to be proud of me in the way I am proud of them. For them to be able to look at me and say “That’s my Dad”.  On top of that I want people to see my progress and know that if I can do it, then so can anyone. To inspire and encourage others is a fantastic feeling and this was the 1st step.


I feel fantastic. I am so happy with myself for completing the program. Before I was uncomfortable in my own skin and always seemed to be tired. I would never take my shirt off and always felt embarrassed if I needed to. Now I feel healthier, stronger and comfortable in the fact that I did this. I’m proud of myself and have a lot more confidence in myself.


I am going to continue this journey because the feeling I get everytime I complete one of these workouts is incredible. Having my kids make the choice to join in shows me that I am providing them with a strong message and example to follow too which is amazing. The feeling I get when I help and inspire someone to do the same is just mind blowing. I know how great I feel after completing this program and want nothing more than to help others to achieve the same. To help someone start their fitness journey, get results and make positive change in their life, and to have been a part of that is incredible and also the reason I have decided to become a Beachbody coach in the UK when it’s available on October 19th! I have loved every minute of it and can’t wait to helps others do the same.

In the UK and want to join Team Beachbody? 


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