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Being smart with your money |

“Dude THIS is what I want!” That’s what a good friend and local business owner exclaimed to me when we walked through our current home build together. That statement led to a long conversation about living below your means and being smart with your money, which is what I want to share with you today.

I took a picture of the Nike’s today and this cute picture of Ellie just 2 weeks ago and I’ll use them as an example.

These Nike are from uptown cheapskate and I got them for $50 but also from money that Gabby got from trading in used clothes from our family which no longer fit. They technically cost me $0. I probably won’t get another pair of shoes for at least 2 years.

top male bodi partner, Being smart with your money

The truck behind me was bought with cash in 2013 and was a 2 year old pickup truck. That means I’ve driven the same vehicle for 11 years and the same goes for Gabby.

The snowboard, boots, and bindings cost a total of $30. They are in great condition. We bought them at the Deseret Industries.

top male bodi partner, Being smart with your money

I hunt with the same 308 I used when I was 12.

I haven’t bought any lattes, energy drinks, treats, or ate out except for 1 weekly date with my wife where we spend no more than $30 for food.

I’ve been to the movie theater only once maybe in the past DECADE and we didn’t buy treats.

We don’t buy concessions at the high school games.

We shop at the DI, ROSS, and SHEIN.

We have fun things like a boat but even though I could’ve afforded the nicest wake boarding boat out there, we bought one off craigslist that we’ve used for 12 years that cost $10,500.

I did my own sprinkler system, put up my own fence, seeded my yard when everybody else used sod, and finished my own basement with the help of YouTube. 

We’ve lived in our first home for 18 years and barely put in an AC unit 2 years ago. Our rentals have always been “fancier” than our own home.

As a newlywed I paid off my student loan, worked 12 hour days and built a side business and put every extra dollar we had to pay off our primary home.

We’ve used our income for 13 years to invest into our retirement accounts consistently every year and also to invest in vacation rentals/property.

There’s probably a lot more small, seemingly insignificant things done in and out over the past decade, but these were just some of them on my mind today that I wanted to share with you.

And trust me for the past 13 years I have truly LIVED and been able to be incredibly present with those that matter most. My family.

in 2011 I listened to three books on repeat while at work for my 12 hour shifts. I listen to each one over 70 times my first year of business.

Think and Grow Rich

Millionaire Next Door

The Slight Edge

The most beautiful blueprints


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