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Best Beachbody Coaches

Best Beachbody Coaches

You know how every parent, well most parents say that they have the best kids.  Well I want to take a few minutes this morning to say that we have the best Beachbody Coaches in the company.  That is me talking about our “kids”  We love our coaches and know that they are the best Beachbody coaches out there.  Last month in November we had a company wide challenge where we took part of an even bigger cause than just helping people live a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.  We took part in “Feeding America”  Every Beachbody Challenge pack that was sold counted for 180 meals provided to this organization.  The final count at the end of the month for us was 12, 060 meals provided.  With that being said I just want to personally thank Team Beachbody for allowing us to be a part of this cause.  I want to let all of our personally sponsored coaches know that we believe they are the best Beachbody Coaches out there.  You are all purpose driven and committed to working on your own transformations, personal growth, and learning how to share your story.  We couldn’t be more thankful that God has brought you into our lives.  We are proud of you and we thank you for everything that you are doing every single day.


If you want to be one of the best Beachbody Coaches out there I want you to know that it’s not all about numbers and systems and the best trainings.  It’s about being around people that inspire you, learning to GROW through your daily failures that we all face, and becoming the inspiration to others through your energy, excitement, and passion for life in general.  We want you to figure out your purpose, really make a commitment about what you want in life, and then to go for it with all of your heart and soul.  Failure is not an option.  The only way to fail is if you give up on yourself.  Don’t do that.  Surround yourself with people that you want to be like and believe in yourself.



Our 60 Day coach training videos