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Best Beachbody Team |

Best Beachbody Team

Jennifer Greenberg



After returning from some of the most power days of my life with the best Beachbody Team.  I can’t help but first recognize and show some love to the woman who started it all.  Jennifer Greenberg is the woman who started the Fit Family Network and build a legacy that I could clearly see while sitting in a home with them over the past 5 days. Jennifer and I met prior to becoming Beachbody Coaches and had a mutual love for helping people with workouts like P90X and encouraging people to complete the programs and to have fun with it. When all of my friends were skeptical about what I was doing, Jennifer trusted and wanted to be a part of the vision I was sharing. She has stayed TRUE to her purpose as a coach over the past 4-1/2 years and truly has built a legacy of incredible coaches. She always looks for ways to grow herself as a leader and daughter of God and then immediately looks next to how he can serve and contribute more. I have never met another leader in this company or in ANY company that cares more for the success of the people who trusted in her and who God brought into her team. 


The Best Beachbody Team

I am in awe as I sit here in my office at home thinking about the way I felt sitting in the presence of her and 75 other leaders on her team in a beautiful home overlooking God’s beautiful creations. I can’t help but believe that we were put on Earth to be connected with a common purpose even though we live thousands of miles a part. Every coach that I got to meet, I thought to myself. “YOU ARE THE ONE” You will have an amazing impact on thousands of other people and I know that they were all in that home because Jennifer had the vision of the Fit Family Network growing an making an impact on people across this country.beachbody-best-upline


I’m sure EVERY coach at the Fit Family Winter Summit as well as those that couldn’t make it feel your love for them and are grateful such as we are for what you have done for everyone in this Beachbody Community just by sharing your life, love, and passion for helping others see that there is more to life than just going day to day in misery struggling with finances and the struggles of life.


Thanks for leading the way. Thanks for being an EXAMPLE to ME of how to love your team. Thank you for continually expanding yourself and your vision and never wanting to “settle”. It’s been INCREDIBLE to see you grow to the level that you have and I know that it’s only the beginning for you. God has BIGGER plans for you and your entire team.  Michael and little Mikey are BLESSED for your example and the life that you have been able to create as Full-time coaches. At times I think about little Mikey and if Michael still had to work as a police officer 60-70 hours a week and I am inspired to reach out and find more people JUST LIKE YOU. We love you for who you are and you are MORE than enough !



PS.. if you want to learn from one of the BEST. Jennifer is the girl to look up to and emulate!

We want YOU to join our TEAM! You can learn HERE.