If you want to build a strong organization. It’s important that you understand and follow Pareto’s law.
The 80/20 rule.
Many people are baffled when they find out what we were earning by the end of our first full year of being a partner. It why I’m teaching “How to maximize the compensation plan” in San Antonio this June.
I consider myself a talent agent. I look for those out there and on the team with hard work ethic, solid vision, unwavering faith, and those that take massive action.
@michelerharris and @nina_pears were both school teachers with those traits. They are the 20% that produce 80% of the results and growth.
They have gone on to help hundreds of others and they have both left their full-time jobs as elementary school teachers to teach in a different capacity as partners.
I’m constantly teaching people that they can make a DIFFERENCE in the lives of THOUSANDS of people.
But HOW?
Have you heard of it before… This ripple effect? There is a theory that shares that our attitudes and behaviors don’t only infect the people we interact with directly like our co-workers, family, and friends.
Our influence actually appears to reach people within 3 degrees.
When you change some simple daily habits to become more healthy, full or purpose, and HAPPIER you are unconsciously helping to share the behavior of an incredibly LARGE number of people.
For most of us there are nearly 1,000 people within 3 degrees of us.
This means at the LEAST you directly have the ability to help influence the lives of at least 1,000 people through your example and behaviors.
Think about that. JUST YOU have that ability. It will take time but YOU influence that many people.
Now imagine once you can teach somebody else to take the same actions as you.
They have a reach of 1,000 people.
Some of those people will do the same and could reach 1,000 people.
It’s time to BUILD with us. Let’s see what you can do in the next 10 years
BODi does not guarantee any level of success or income from the BODi Distributor Opportunity. Each Partner’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Distributor Earnings located at tbbcoa.ch/SOICE for the most recent information on our Partners’ actual incomes.

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at [email protected]
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