I’m sitting here in my truck outside of my son’s baseball practice and just got this report from the team. I am super proud of the work they are doing.
It would be EASY to take the summer off from their business goals.
It would be EASY to say that it’s a busy time of the year.
It would be EASY to say that nobody wants to workout right now.
But not these guys. If it was EASY, everybody would be successful. Successful people continue doing the small seemingly insignificant things day in and day out knowing that every action they take either moves them toward their goals or away from them.
So let’s CELEBRATE these partners for building their business and earning those paychecks!

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at [email protected]
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