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Business as a BODi Partner |

I had a HUGE advantage when I started building my business as a BODi Partner that I bet you don’t have right now and I’m almost certain of it because you’re reading this post right now.

I didn’t have a smart phone. I had little temptation or ability to be distracted as I started pursuing my goals with my new business.

One huge advantage I had was my little cellphone was a Nokia MP3 player where you could download music and put a mini sd card in the side. My mentors were telling me that one of the 3 vital behaviors was to “do personal development”. I asked advice from those ahead of me and then downloaded these 3 books.

Business as a BODi Partner, male bodi partner, bodi partner men

Think and Grow Rich
Millionaire Next Door 
The Slight Edge 

Because I had no access to the internet on my phone and working 12 hour days I listened to each of those 3 books over 60 times each in my first year of building my business.

I fell I love with the way that I felt as I reinvented myself and shifted my mindset and beliefs. The second and third year I did a “52 Book Challenge” and had many of my partners joining me on that path of growth. 

Most of the huge impact we made with our business was not just connecting them with the best home workouts and the cleanest supplements, it was introducing people for the first time to the world of personal development and personal growth. 

My friend, part of the reason you don’t feel good right now is because your energy and ambition is being killed by mindlessly scrolling social media and wasting so much time of your life focused outward on what “everyone else is doing”

You can change that. 

Set a goal to pick up your phone less. Give yourself an hour every morning before you pick up your phone to journal, write your goals and vision, study the scriptures, read personal development, meditate, and to do a workout. 

I’m still a partner with BODi striving to help you feel better and to earn more money for your family. My mission is to help you live a healthy more fulfilling life and to see you grow a business and income, helping others.

We are better than we’ve ever been to work on that mission, but you are needed. It’s time to stop sleep walking through your life and to build a legacy. 

With the guidance of a mentor of mine Brendon Burchard – Live. Love. Matter. As our chief growth strategist and partnered with BODi and Growth Day we are positioned to help guide you in completely changing your life and the lives of those you serve. 

I know this business inside and out and I’m here to guide you in building yours.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE