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Business partnered with BODi |

This is my friend Matt and it’s been just over 20 years since he last saw his Dad. We met online and he’s a leader in our business partnered with BODi.

He understands “mortality motivation” because he’s witnessed it firsthand in his life. I believe it’s part of what makes him so driven and passionate about our mission.

Business partnered with BODi

“Why do you write like you’re running out of time? Write day and night like you’re running out of time?”

Have you watched the play Hamilton? It’s one of my favorite. And in 1787, James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton, three of America’s founding fathers began writing a series of essays known as the federalist papers.

The plan was to write a total of 25 essays to perceive the public and influence them to ratify or accept the new US Constitution.

The original work was divided among the three men. John Jay wrote five, James Madison wrote 29, and Alexander Hamilton wrote the other 51. They ended up writing a total of 85 essays in just six months and they were published in May of 1788.

The constitution was ratified the following month.

These papers were so effective and influential because of the rapid pace at which they were written . A historian once noted that the speed at which they were written and released “overwhelmed any possible response.

Hamilton was not frantic. He was focused and used focused urgency.

My friend, we do not have all the time in the world. We do not know when this life will come to an end and our time spinning on this earth is over.

Get clear about what you want to accomplish and work as if you were running out of time. Because we are.

I don’t say that to bring doom. I say that to help you stop procrastinating and to get focused.

Social psychologist say that at the end of our lives 84% of our regret is not for things that we did wrong or the mistakes we made but for all the things we didn’t do.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE