Christina was about to submit her cancellation request for her Team Beachbody Coach business to Have you ever felt like, “I should CANCEL my Beachbody coach account” Today I’m excited to have her share on our team call how this business saved her. The Team Beachbody coaching opportunity was put into my life a year before I knew I needed it. What started as a way to fit workouts and nutrition in around my busy mom life and help other busy mamas do the same turned out to be what saved me from anxiety, depression and overwhelm.
13 months into coaching and 2 days before I was scheduled to leave for Summit, my sister – my best friend and better half – was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. My plans to grow a BIG business were cancelled as fast as my plane ticket. I had to shift my focus to my sister when she needed me most. I struggled to balance my full time physical therapy job, mom life with 3 littles, and supportive roles for my family while I was my own emotional wreck inside. I wanted to quit everything – including my business – to focus on saving the life of a person closer to me than anyone. I remember sitting at my computer about to hit CANCEL my Beachbody coach account. Would it have solved my short term overwhelm? Maybe. But the community – both the women in my support & accountability group and the women on my team – were MY support system. My Virtual Fit Club was my “happy place,” and a happy place is what I needed the MOST.
So instead of bowing out, I decided to LEAN IN. I leaned into the hard, leaned into the community, and it saved me not only this one time, but again and again through these last 5 years. When her cancer came back, when my husband lost his job during the pandemic not just once but twice, and when my father got diagnosed with cancer one year ago this month. It allowed me to step back from my full time caretaker position as a physical therapist and focus on being the mom, sister, wife and daughter that my family needs. And all WITHOUT ever having to give up taking care of myself.
To me, fitness is just a metaphor for life. We know in our workouts we have to struggle to lift the weight to get stronger. And I’ve learned that in life, it’s also through our struggles that come our strengths.Now it’s my mission to pass this lesson on to as many lives as I can touch. To not only help people create a healthy lifestyle, but to create a community (and even a business) that will help them through their own hardest of times, too. I am FOREVER GRATEFUL to Team Beachbody for providing all of this to me, and it’s an HONOR and a GIFT to pay it forward.

Christina is a bigger part of our Dynasty Beachbody coaching team and resonate so much with her and her story which you can watch below on our team call recording.

I was 8 months into my journey as a health and fitness coach with my new business. I was on day 3 of the man cold where I had stayed home in bed nearly dying ( Come on, you know us men when we get sick) Gabby told me to get up, shower, get dressed, and walk to pick Kina up from the school bus. As I was walking down our cul-da-sac in the direction of the school bus stop I was a little over half way there when the bus pulled up and stopped. The stop sign flung out and I heard the hiss of the doors as they opened. Then these two little hands grabbed the hand rails and this little 5 year old girl looked up and our eyes met. A huge smile from ear to ear spread across her face and her eyes grew larger. I on the other hand was stopped in my tracks, tears streamed down my cheeks and a profound thought came to my mind.
“How many of these moments have I missed?
How many more will I miss if I don’t keep trying?
You must not give up.
She ran to me, I picked her up and spun her around in my arms. That moment I decided. I will not miss Donuts with Daddy dates. I will not miss recitals. I will not miss anything that she wants me to be a part of in her life. I will HAVE the freedom to decide what to do with my time and life. Then something deeper hit me, a purpose more profound. If this college dropout and former drug addict could do it, I could teach, mentor, and guide ANYBODY out there to accomplish the dreams they have. This was the screensaver that I made with her that week to remind me DAILY of the sacrifices that I was making to create the life that I wanted. Are YOU one of those people who knows you are meant to do BIGGER things with your life but never really had the platform and place to GROW? If you are, I’m looking to mentor new STRONG, CONFIDENT, WILLING people to learn and WORK people to finish out 2021.