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Blog Archives - Page 26 of 160 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Going After Your Dreams

Going After Your Dreams

The people I help need people who support them in going after their dreams, love them for being vulnerable about who they are, and who encourage them to face their fears. They need a way to get out of debt, build a retirement, and to have more time freedom to spend...
Finding Your Courage

Finding Your Courage

Stop letting fear hold you back. Fear will ALWAYS be present, but will you decide to be courageous? I think there still might be s#*% stains in those pants after I “sent this” back in 99. The FEAR is palpable in this photo and I’m just lucky we caught it with my wind...
The Happiness Advantage

The Happiness Advantage

Come join us FREE for our book club. No strings attached and for ANYONE. Order the book “The Happiness Advantage” or get it on audible and start reading. We’ll meet weekly on zoom, Tuesdays at noon mountain time. (link will be in stories today or DM me. I’ll also post...
Success And Fufillment

Success And Fufillment

If you could wave a magic wand and have or do ANYTHING with your life… What would that look like for you? A powerful activity I do when mentoring somebody is to help them visualize and write out what their ideal day looks like. I want you to do the same. Write out how...
Best BODi Coaches in 2023

Best BODi Coaches in 2023

Do you want to join the best BODi coaches in 2023? We’ve been building this team and business for the past 12 years and Brigitte is from my home town and joined our team one year after I started. If you want to become one of the best BODi coaches in 2023 I want...
You Must Not Give Up

You Must Not Give Up

I was 8 months into my journey as a health and fitness coach with my new business. I was on day 3 of the man cold where I had stayed home in bed nearly dying (Come on, you know us men when we get sick) Gabby told me to get up, shower, get dressed, and walk to pick...