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Motivation Archives - Page 12 of 174 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Your perfect day

Your perfect day

One of the most powerful things that you can ever do for yourself will be to craft your perfect day. This exercise is something I’ve done for 14 years and has led to the beautiful life that I get to experience today with my family. Step 1. I’m going to help you do...
Complaining about long hours at work

Complaining about long hours at work

“You’re always complaining about long hours at work you should be a personal trainer because I see how much you love health and fitness.” That’s a message I got on IM back in 2010 from a former mission companion from the 2 years I served in Venezuela. At that time two...
Analogy of a juicy orange

Analogy of a juicy orange

Criticism happens no matter what. It is the price of admission to this life and I want to share with you an analogy of a juicy orange and of climbing a mountain. I’m not trying to create more problems for you, but I do want to to be honest with yourself. You can’t...
Your health will improve

Your health will improve

When you don’t know what you really want to do, it’s pretty difficult to do it. Get clear about what you want. Your health will improve, your finances will improve, and your finances will improve. Holocast Survivor Viktor Franco shared, “The first thing that gives...
Failure in the Home

Failure in the Home

David O McKay said, “no other success can compensate for the failure in the home.” There are two races in life. The race for success. You’ve probably seen this measured by things like money, investment properties, accolades, recognition, sports cars, fame and fortune....
Gain 5 more months a year

Gain 5 more months a year

If you want to learn something better, teach it to somebody else. I started a new habit a few days ago and I want to share it with you. Every day I sit and listen to my Growth Day “Daily Fire “and read from a personal development book. As I’m reading and...