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Motivation Archives - Page 13 of 174 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Business partnered with BODi

Business partnered with BODi

This is my friend Matt and it’s been just over 20 years since he last saw his Dad. We met online and he’s a leader in our business partnered with BODi. He understands “mortality motivation” because he’s witnessed it firsthand in his life. I believe it’s part of what...
Zero Added Sugar Shakeology

Zero Added Sugar Shakeology

If you have been following me at all on Instagram at @scottiehobbs or on Facebook you know that consistency is my superpower. Not just in building an incredible business and life-style with BODi but in my overall health by drinking at least one Shakeology every single...
Look and Feel Good

Look and Feel Good

This was our first together transformation photo of about a year of P90X. We set a goal to save money to go on the cheapest cruise we could and we wanted to look and feel good by the time we went.   It was few weeks after my 3rd daughters birth when I was sitting in...
My posture is horrible

My posture is horrible

Have you ever just seen a picture of yourself and you’re like “wait… that’s what I look like???” We were scrolling through some pictures for inspiration of a home of one of our friends that just got finished when I came across this photo. My posture is horrible. If...
Your brain is not built to make you happy

Your brain is not built to make you happy

“Watch your thoughts for they become your word; Watch your words, for they become your actions; watch your actions, for they become your habits; watch your habits, for they become your character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” Your brain as...
Create Habits

Create Habits

Be the drop that starts the ripple.  Imagine in one year you create habits and routines that give you more energy and lead you to feeling better all together.  When you FEEL good you have more energy to love and serve other people.  My mind is blown that you...