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Motivation Archives - Page 23 of 174 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Building Businesses

Building Businesses

I’m sitting here in my truck outside of my son’s baseball practice and just got this report from the team. I am super proud of the work they are doing. It would be EASY to take the summer off from their business goals. It would be EASY to say that...
Male Coaches

Male Coaches

Where are my DUDES at? There are approximately 332 million people who live in the USA. There are approximately 36 million people who live in Canada. There are approximately 67 million people who live in the UK. There are approximately 68 million people who live in...
Daily Habits

Daily Habits

Cheers to the healthiest meal of the day. 4,433 CONSECUTIVE DAYS of drinking my superfoods health shake. It’s got over 70 all natural ingredients and superfoods. To be honest, I was hesitant to buy my first bag because of the price. I’d never spent $120 on a...
Male Leaders

Male Leaders

Hey Dude, you want to be an entrepreneur and gain control of your TIME and financial future/worth. Here are 4 things to focus on: GET a CLEAR VISION, this means that you know what you want to do and develop the ability to focus on it. DEVELOP SOLID STRATEGIES- know...
Change My Life

Change My Life

11 years ago today I wrote a 2 week notice to the JOB I thought I would be at until I was 67. We continually made extra payments and 1 year later we paid off our home that we started with this little family of ours. That mortgage was the thing that kept me working 12...
Secret To Success

Secret To Success

Everyone wants to know the secret to success in life whether it’s in relationships, business, or your personal health. The problem is we as a society are short term thinkers and to be honest we, for the most part, are a little bit soft. This is where I’m at now...