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Motivation Archives - Page 9 of 174 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Having a supportive spouse is HUGE

Having a supportive spouse is HUGE

When Jenn and I started chatting on social media about P90X, her husband Mike was skeptical about his wife chatting it up on social media with some other shirtless married guy across the country. Her husband Mike and I now best friends and enjoy least 3 company...
Feel Aimless

Feel Aimless

What do you do when you feel aimless? In just a month I will be turning 43 and I would sit at my desk doing my work and wonder why I wasn’t feeling as ambitious. I would say to myself things like “good thing I was grinding hard when I was younger because I just don’t...
Killing your Success

Killing your Success

There’s something that might be killing your success and I’m going to let you know so that you can look at your life and relationships. One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to have accountability partners. However, you need to be careful in who you choose and...
GPS Goals

GPS Goals

Do you know what a gps is? As we were driving through Island Park this past weekend my father in law asked how we don’t get lost while hunting since there are hundreds of mile of seemly flat land covered with pine trees. “I use a gps on my phone”. If I don’t use a gps...
You don’t have to be picked

You don’t have to be picked

Times are certainly different than when I was a kid. I’m older than Google and if you wanted to “make it” the belief was that you had to be “picked”. My friend, you don’t have to be picked. I’m mostly thinking about sports. I had a desire to be a professional...
5 Things to Turn your life around

5 Things to Turn your life around

Things might be feeling “off” for you in life, at work, in your relationships, or in your business. I’ve been there and have to constantly be aware of how I’m feeling and my habits so that I can make shifts and adjustments. I’ll share with you 5 Things to Turn...