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Males Archives - Page 7 of 34 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
Team Beachbody Coach in the UK

Team Beachbody Coach in the UK

Team Beachbody Coach in the UK Gordon Cambell My physical appearance is hurting my self esteem and confidence.   How many of you have felt like this or said this to yourself in some form or another?  I want to share with you the transformation of my good friend Coach...
I Feel Like a New Person

I Feel Like a New Person

I Feel Like a New Person Paul Taylor One of my favorite things to hear when being a part of somebody’s transformation is to hear them say, “I feel like a new person!” Isn’t that what  transformation means?  “a thorough or dramatic change...
Live my Purpose

Live my Purpose

Live my Purpose Kevin Wilson I want to show you the results of my good friend Kevin who lost 10 lbs in his first round of the Shift Shop, an amazing program created by Celebrity trainer Chris Downing.  If you have been following me for awhile you’ll know that my...
Do Beachbody programs work?

Do Beachbody programs work?

Do Beachbody programs work? Robert Naturman Everyday on my youtube channel or Facebook live I am sharing my progress and experience with Beachbody workouts like P90X, Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Body Beast, and most currently with the Shift Shop and EVERY day as people...
gain solid muscle

gain solid muscle

Gain Solid Muscle I want to share with you what has been happening with my good friend Casey O’Brian.  He has always been into fitness and working out at the gym but with a very time consuming job and extensive working out he knew something needed to change. He...
I want to do an Ironman

I want to do an Ironman

I want to do an Ironman I want to share the story of my friend Paul.  He has gone form 25 stone to 13 stone in his journey so far. He is a member of our Fitness and Accountability group in the UK and I asked him what inspired him to start his journey and he told me,...