You’re one decision away from completely changing your life. Matthew Achimon is a husband and father to 4 who first reached out to me in 2016 with some questions about “How to be Successful as a Male Coach.” Then it wasn’t until a few months ago that he joined our virtual gym ( the app we use to hold our customers/ clients/ and coaches accountable to their goals) Matthew has been following our nutrition programs, doing our workouts on Beachbody on Demand, and involving his family in this journey. When I saw these pictures late last week I was reminded about the importance of what we do as coaches. We literally give the complete toolkit and support system to help people change their lives through health and fitness. Most people spend their whole life trying to make a living, then later in life try to figure out how to make a difference. As a coach, you have the ability to be significant in the lives of others while building your fortune simultaneously. It’s magic, and when you realize this, everything begins to shift. Matthew is not yet a coach but super excited to be joining the team in just a couple months so that he can pay it forward to other people

Many of you love your results and want to become a coach to build your own business from home. You have been changing your life through health and fitness and it’s time to pay it forward. Because of that I want to help give some advice on building a great business but also keep what’s most important in the forefront with some things I learned from experience and also from Jonathan Decker in a blog post.

“Nurture your marriage more than your business leads. Like a plant, your marriage can wither from neglect. You need to make time to water and give sunlight to your marriage while growing your business. The best way to find time for your marriage is effective task management. 1. Eliminate from your business those practices that don’t yield results. Automate services that a machine, website, or app can do. 2. Delegate tasks that don’t have to be done by you.3. When it comes to your time at home, be present when you are there. Set work aside to connect with your spouse and children when you are home. This is easiest if you schedule non-negotiable time for your family, where work responsibilities are not allowed to interfere. 4. Make date night a priority.5. Remember, you work for yourself! You don’t have a boss who can demand you take time away from the family; you alone are responsible for that choice. Of course, work emergencies may come up which take you away from scheduled family time, but those should be the exception, not the rule, and you must make that time up to your spouse and children.6. Don’t confuse providing for your family with being a success. Your family needs a home and food, yes, but they also need you. Your time, your love, and your attention. Make sure you make time for them. If you begin to see your family as a hindrance to your business goals, it’s time to reprioritize.Remember, “parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.” – The Family: A Proclamation to the World.Your business is important, but from an eternal perspective, it’s not nearly as important as giving yourself to your family, heart, mind, and soul“- Jonathan Decker