“I made enough this month to cover our entire mortgage” When Melissa and I chatted 5 months ago about her desire to re-sign up as a Team Beachbody coach and come back to Beachbody Coaching. I asked her WHY. She told me that she has always believed in the workouts, the meal plans, she loved Shakeology and energize. She loves helping and supporting others in their journey but there was a financial need. They want to buy a new home. As they looked for homes, the ones they REALLY love and that are in the neighborhoods that they would want to live in were a few hundred dollars a month above their budget. She made the decision that she would EARN enough with her side business as a coach to be able to purchase the home they really want.

She’s been working hard, helping her clients see great results, and building a TEAM of like minded people and last month she earned enough to completely cover her OWN current mortgage. She’s also super excited to help her husband not have to work all the overtime shifts. Can you guys drop some love on Melissa for this incredible accomplishment? If your reading this and thinking “DANG! I’m a hard worker, I want to do that”. We did a coach sneak peek last night and I will share the video below so you can watch the playback with no obligations to see if it’s something that aligns with and helps YOU achieve your goals. Whether you have never experienced Beachbody, you love or products, or like Melissa, you want to come back to Beachbody coaching I am excited to work with you! Choose your option below or email me at [email protected]
Ok so after Hailey was born I found myself gaining weight after I stopped breastfeeding so I decided to start running, husband got me a treadmill for christmas and I decided to actually use it and i soon discovered I hate running. I feel like im dying i’m terrible at it. Paul had bought p90x so I decided to try it the first days is bunch of push ups and pull ups. I barely did anything, 2nd day was plyo and I was almost puking but I completed it and so I finished a whole round and started a 2nd and 3rd and that’s how I discovered wow I really want to be a personal trainer but I had kids and Paul and I decided that our kids were not going to a daycare so I push it aside and continued working out, soon after I got invited to become a coach that was 10 years ago and after finding out that the trip prize was Disney I was like hell yeah I’m taking my kids to Disney and guess what I DID!! Beachbody payed for the Amazing Hotel, tickets, and my awesome husband payed to take us there, I did not go to any single conference while I was there to be at Disney!!( oh man how I wishes I did things different) anyways came back and I wasn’t as motivated anymore and plus some family things were going on so I finally decided to QUIT! BUT I kept some Beachbody coaches as friends and I kept seeing them advanced, getting retired, going to this amazing trips, living this awesome life and doing something so amazingly postive and I was thinking maybe I’ll come back one day. Time went by and we got our house taxes and found out our house was 30k more valuable now then when we bought it and I was omg lets sale. So we started looking at houses and the houses I wanted and the houses my husband was looking at were about 400$ difference a month and I was fu*#$ im stuck at home at least until Gavin goes to school ( which now may be never stupid covid) so I thought about different ways to make money from home even cooking keto casseroles to sell ( I hate cooking but im ok at it) so that’s when i decided to Talk to Scottie and that same night I told my husband I wanted to give coaching another try. He looked at me weird, and I told him I just need his support 100% and he agreed. And so here I am 4.5 months later making enough for our current mortgage and doing something I freaking love!! I thought about becoming a personal trainer but I thought would I be able to reach the same amount of people!? Also personal trainers are expensive not anybody can afford one and beachbody is way more affordable, only $100 for a whole year with nutrition and support included!! And I dont think I can make tandas being a personal trainer. Plus being able to share the possibilities of this amazing business and completely change someones life its like an unbelievable feeling that I want to be able to experience. Most people dont like their jobs and wake up every morning like ugh monday again.. well I want to be doing something I Freaking love!! That’s truly the American Dream!
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity.Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of IndependentCoach Earnings located at http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.