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“I want to have a place where my family can gather and create incredible memories together.”

As I journaled this morning, one of the things I’m most grateful for is as I think back to when I was younger was that my mom and dad spent so much quality time with me and my highlight every summer was spending 7-10 days in the cute little 2 bedroom cabin in Island Park thanks to my Aunt Pat.

My driving force in setting goals and building wealth is not “how much revenue can I get from this?”

It’s the deep desire to be the one who provides opportunities for others to create great memories with their families.

Although I haven’t had much time to enjoy my cabin or any of our rentals so far this year I LOVED being tagged in messages from my parents and sisters up at our cabin on Henry’s Lake as well as from my friend, Nick, who spent time in our St George home.

“We just got back from an amazing trip to St. George, UT, and I can’t help but feel incredibly grateful for the memories we made. Even though the heat was intense, we spent most of our time cooling off in the pool, enjoying delicious food, and simply having fun as a family. It was the perfect mental and emotional reset we all needed.

create incredible memories together

Life can get so busy and overwhelming that we often forget to take a step back and just breathe. This trip was a beautiful reminder of the importance of taking a break and cherishing the moments that truly matter.

Unfortunately, we didn’t take many pictures, but this one is special. Matteya saw a huge turtle mural on the wall and insisted, “I want a picture!” I’m so glad she did because now we have this precious family photo to look back on and remember our wonderful adventure.

Here’s to more moments like these, filled with love, laughter, and togetherness.”

As we continue our Dream Home build I can already see the beautiful tall trees lining the property, the glistening green grass, the reflection off the water in the backyard, and the laughing and giggling of our grandkids as they run and play in such an incredible space.

I visualize this daily and know that the best of life is yet to come

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