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Designing your life is more important than designing your career. |

Designing your life is more important than designing your career.

12 years ago I earned my first 6 figure year. It was more than I had ever earned before and I felt alive and full of hope for a better future. I had just left my full-time job to be a full time stay at home Dad building a business I loved.

It was a Sunday afternoon and I had just gotten out of a bi-annual meeting/ interview with my church leader. As we shook hands and I was about to leave the Bishops office he said, “Do you have some time to talk about work?”

I said yes and we stepped back into his office. He told me that he had seen the growth and change in me and that he had been watching what I was doing on Facebook.

He then offered me a job.

He was the CEO of another company that had a similar business model. He was offering me more than double what I earned with my business to be a regional director of sales for their distributors and that I would have great benefits. I could make over $200K a year.

I declined.

I thanked him for the belief in me and the incredibly generous offer and let him know that my goal and vision was to “Never miss a day of my kids lives” it was to be home and present with my wife and kids and to never have to ask for time off to be at any of their activities.

Designing your life, life by design, top male bodi partner , men bodi partners

I was planning my life and getting clarity about what I wanted my days to feel like.

That did not require clocking in, traveling multiple times a year alone, and being away from home 8-10 hours a day.

One of the most powerful activities that I believe you can do is to write out what your IDEAL day looks like.

When do you wake up?

What do you do?

Who are you with?

How do you feel?

Get clarity about what you want your life to look and feel like so that you can make a plan to get there. Write it down and read it daily.


If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE