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Do I matter? Off Medication, Healthier than ever

Do I Matter

One of the most important things that people want in life is to feel like they matter.  Do I matter?  Heck yes I do and I feel proud that I can confidently say that.  I often times felt like I didn’t, or that I could be replaced and that change of mindset is one of the things that excites me most about helping people learn and educate themselves about Team Beachbody and how it can help them out.  It’s MUCH more than just awesome at home workout programs and Shakeology.  It’s about making a difference with your life.  I want to share with you the story of my friend Syndi from High School.

“How and WHY – I got started — well – like many – I saw all these crazy people I knew using Shakeology and seeing them get great results. The moment that changed it all for me — my son – who at the time was 4 – saw me when I got out of the shower (this was ONE YEAR after giving birth to my youngest – keep in mind) and he asked me so innocently — “Do you have a baby in there AGAIN?” I laughed and said No. Then really took a look in the mirror — I REALLY looked pregnant! In fact many people still don’t believe I am not pregnant with my day one photos — so I actually use the one that is a week into it when I lost all the bloat and 10 POUNDS! LOL! I began to see how my weight was impacting my life — I refused to go swimming with my kids — I couldn’t go on Ragnar runs because I was so out of shape I about died the first time I was so sick from it! I kept my husband at a distance and was letting my depression win. I began to feel I was just there to support everyone else’s dreams – I had lost myself! I posted on Facebook the question “Does anyone know about Shakeology? Will you let me know about it?” BOOM — I got s lot of eager responses. I got a bit overwhelmed – lol! Julie was the one who was consistent – when I hesitated she continued to touch base with me — most importantly – she made ME feel important — she also didn’t let me waiver — she flat out told me — that I needed to try Shakeology for a week to see a difference – that I needed to get working out. I tried to start with Turbo fire but found I could not get through any of it and became really depressed to see how far I had fallen with my physical abilities. Insanity had caught my eye – I knew it was hard — the world knew it was hard — but for me that gave me permission to not be able to do it full out — it wasSUPPOSED to be hard! smile emoticon So I bought it for my hubby and I for Valentines day and he committed to do it with me.  Julie insisted I become a discount coach — to save money on Shakeology and commit to use it just while I did Insanity — so I did! I invited others to join me on my journey to skinny I called it and all of a sudden I had people under me and I had no idea what I was doing! LOL!”


results may vary

HOW I feel NOW vs then — I have been able to stay off depression medications now – which has added soooo many benefits to my life — you have no idea! I feel in control of my life again – I have learned the power of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT! As I began to struggle and you let me into on of your challenge groups — I realized I needed to make REAL changes to my thinking and food. So I made changes I wanted to KEEP FOREVER — it has served me well and I love to continue to learn and evolve as a mom, wife and coach!

I can now say YES to life’s opportunities – Beachbody has helped provide financing as well as tools and even invited me to opportunities I would have never dreamed of!

become a beachbody coach

WHY will I continue — so funny you ask me this — I struggled after I lost the weight and have recently re-discovered my new WHY for this! I want to help others much like you and Julie helped me! I want to live my life in such a way that I can provide a better quality of life for others and continue to provide opportunities to my family! I continue because it is important for me to remember to grow as an individual and I learn so much from my challengers, customers and fellow coaches. It reminds me of how I felt and allows me to no give food all the power in my life to make me happy — it just gets to be fuel. I truly have learned to love and reward myself with things that provide much more value. Such as family trips and experiences. smile emoticon I enjoy food like anyone else – I just don’t feel the need to feed my emotions anymore and it is empowering. If I can do that for someone else — I know my Heavenly Father would be so happy with me! My goal — is to open as many doors as I can for those who are willing to put that kind of trust in me.

That is why I choose YOUMATTERfitness as my team name. Some how along the road of life as a mom and wife — I forgot that. I would love to provide that for anyone that needs it! If they are ready to get real and work on it –if they want to learn to do that for others as well — I am willing to be there and help them along their journey!”