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Does T25 Work- How to Join Team Beachbody


Does T25 Work

Melissa Wickersty Cuccolo

Does T25 really work Scottie? I have simple answer for you.  YES, but only if YOU do.  I am super proud of one of our Team Beachbody Coaches Melissa for the results she has achieved in just the past 90 days.  Maybe you have been sitting back thinking about if it’s time for you to start.  Look, I understand.  For me it took 8 months for me to get started on my journey because of the fear that I had.  You don’t need a gym membership and you don’t need weights to start your own health and fitness journey.  Melissa needed to do something for HER and my goal is that you are inspired to start your journey.  That you get the courage to stand up for yourself and begin the day to day steps that will take you closer to what you want to become in life.  Her results make me smile but more importantly I am excited that she has understood that through her trials, that God has a bigger plan for her life.


results may vary

“I started my journey because I was overweight and super unhappy. I was recently divorced and knew I had to do something for myself to make me feel better about me. I am also a single mother so I needed to be healthy and in shape for my daughter. I started out with hip hop abs, moved to 10 minute trainer and then on to T25 to get these results. That transformation was 90 days. (Only 1 month of T25) Now, I feel like a different person. I am happy, I have so much more confidence, and I am a better mom. I continue my journey because I want to pay it forward and help other single moms feel better about themselves. I want to let them know that just because you had a hardship you can still move on and have a better, happy life. I believe everything happens for a reason and God has a better plan for me.”

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