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Feeling Exhausted Mentally | What Exercize did for me |

I was laying on the couch after a long 12 hour day at work feeling exhausted mentally and emotionally. I couldn’t fathom doing a “workout” and exerting even more energy. I remember vividly the day when I heard Tony Horton stop talking which signifies that my wife had finished her P90X workout. What happened next caused me to evaluate my current health and situation. Gabby came running up the stairs full of energy, but then, ran down the stairs and then back up. I laid there thinking “what’s happened to me”? I’m 28 years old I’m I’m TIRED just laying here on the couch watching tv yet she is full of energy after a full workout. I made a decision that day that I wanted a life full of energy and excitement.

Feeling Exhausted Mentally

I went in my room, took a selfie in the mirror with my shirt off and push play on my first ever workout. I couldn’t do a pull up, I nearly threw up from the number of pushups Tony had me do, but I took that first step. I have a responsibility to teach my children through my example as their protector and as much as I now love a good gym workout, I show up everyday for them to teach the the true form of Medicine. We lost too many family members to cancer or illness of the mind this year alone. 6 friends/acquaintances passed away in the past 2 months from organ failure between the ages of 38-44 . This is the real pandemic.

Being active is even associated with a reduced risk of some cancers. One-third of all cancers in the US are linked to diet and exercise, according to the American Cancer Society.

I’m challenging YOU to step up and Love yourself enough to be healthy, vibrant, and well for the people around you. Go to the gym, walk, do CrossFit, cycle, run, do burpees, follow a BOD workout. I don’t care but please just start. Drink less soda and eat less processed foods and please talk to somebody if you’re struggling. I’m an open book and here to listen without “making” you do one of our programs.