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frustrated with your business |

If you’re feeling frustrated with your business it might be because you are out of alignment with your integrity, values, and vision. 

I’ve been there. A few years ago I had everything I’ve ever dreamed of having. We led a top 10 team, had our first ever 7 figure year, and had massive continually upward growth. 

But I was frustrated and stressed.

I was more focused on how to make more money, get more influence, and prove people wrong, then on serving others and fulfilling my purpose and vision.

What I realized is that for most of my life, I was working to accomplish things just to prove people wrong. 

I was consistently focused on trying to heal scars from the past and prove I was something other than what they thought I was. That was the fuel to help me get initial success. 

But here’s the thing and I share it because it’s possible you’re in the same boat. That fuel is not meaningful or sustainable. It led me to pursuing goals for self-centered reasons and not from a place of pure love.

Part of my big driving force right now is to be so intentional about growing myself and collecting the wisdom of others I admire to improve my life and then give it to you so that you can become a better version of yourself. 

I want to be an example in your life of knowing that you are capable of achieving any goal or dream that God has placed in your life. That you can grow into the person that knows you are worthy of that success and that can keep your relationship with God and your family in the forefront. 

I want you to wake up and feel good every day. I want you to earn more income for your family so that you can have more time to spend with them.

Frustrated with your Business, men of bodi, bodi men

Nobody is coming to save you and as your leader in our team and business I can’t do it for you either. 

If you want to find the one person who can change your life, look in the mirror. You are the only person who can give yourself what you want, and you must be willing to do the work every day. 

Your future self will thank you. Your spouse and kids will see that you are somebody who’s driving to live your true purpose. You will be remembered as somebody who truly did their best to grow and serve others. 

Be intentional and you’ll you’ll look back and be so dang proud of yourself 5 years from today.

“You have the ability to build success and significance simultaneously.”

That was something I heard on my little Nokia MP3 player phone as I listen to my friend and mentor Craig Holiday breathe life into me as a brand, new partner, striving to create something beautiful for my family.

Every day I wake up, just so grateful and in awe that the company, BODi, pays partners so generously for helping people get results with their programs.

But do you know what gives the greatest sense of fulfillment?

Seeing people transform and lose weight. However, the weight they lose is not always what you can see coming off of the human body.

I’m proud of my friend Stephanie.

“Yesterday, I was a dreamer. Today, I’m a doer.

This time 4.5 years ago, I found myself caught in the endless loop of ‘tomorrow’. Each Monday, I promised myself that the diet starts, the workout begins, and the change happens. But it was always a promise to the future self I never met.

Then came a Tuesday that changed everything. I woke up and realized that waiting for the perfect Monday was like waiting for a perfect me—neither exists. I decided to start imperfectly, to embrace the messiness of real change. That day, I didn’t see a full staircase, just the first step, and I took it.

Fast forward to today, and I am 100 pounds lighter. Not just in weight, but in the burdens of waiting for the right moment. I learned that the right moment is always NOW. The journey of a thousand miles didn’t begin with a step, it began with the decision to make that step, no matter how small.

Please…Let go of the idea of perfection. Dive in, mess up, get back up, and push forward. Every day is a great day to grow, to be better than yesterday. If I had waited for the perfect Monday, I wouldn’t be here telling you that it’s possible. Your transformation doesn’t need a perfect start, just a courageous one.

Today, I challenge you to take your first step. Don’t wait for next Monday. Do it today. Because the only perfect time to start is now.”

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE