How does Meditation help?
If you’re busy then you might not have taken the time to watch my 20 minute live video yesterday so I want to share with you a few facts to help increase your happiness, lower your stress levels, and improve your Immune system with five minute a day🙏🏻
😁Research has found that monks who spend years meditating actually grow their left prefrontal cortex. This is the part of the brain that is most responsible for feeling happiness.😁
So how does meditation help?
I know that you and I don’t have years to spend alone in silence to experience an increase in happiness. (You also don’t need to remain celibate🙃😆)
This can happen in just five minutes each day as you slow down to experience watching your breath go in and out. 🙏🏻
Try to remain patient because your mind is going to go a million miles an hour and will begin to drift from one thought to the next. So perhaps a guided meditation will help you stay focused and to bring yourself back in the focus.👌🏼
Just like anything in life, meditation will take practice but it is one of the most powerful things you can do to increase your happiness.😃😀😁😁😊
Studies have shown that in the minutes right after meditation we experience feelings of happiness and a sense of calm as well as I increase of awareness and empathy for ourselves and other people🙏🏻😊
It’s also been proven that regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise your levels of happiness😁, lower stress😉, and actually improve your immune system function.
How does Meditation help ME?