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How to Believe in Yourself

How to Believe in Yourself

Reilly Pope

Many times it is so hard to believe in yourself.  As children we believe anything is possible.  There is no limit to what we believe we can do but as we grow older our dreams and goals are crushed by other people.  CRUEL right?  That is our society though.  We are told to “grow up” or to “get a real job”   Do you know what I love about Team Beachbody, we are teaching people to dream again.  We are sharing with people that you can LIVE the life you want and be whatever you desire.  It won’t come easy but nothing really does come easy right?  If you want to have an amazing transformation it takes working daily to create that body.  It’s hard, challenging and sometimes daunting.  We have your back.  We have been through it and we are here to teach you how to believe in yourself again.  I love what Reilly shares about her experience in the 90 day Challenge Group that she participated in with Brazil Butt Lift, Shakeology, and the Accountability of her coach and the other challengers.

FOLLOW Reilly @reildchild


results may vary

“So personally, I freaking LOVED the challenge. I am beyond happy that I found you at the time in my life when I began to get very sad about the way my body was looking. I never ever thought I could change my eating habits like I have, but after a couple weeks, I’m totally used to it. What really stuck out for me when looking at other people’s progress, and especially yours, was the fact that they said “If I can do it, you can do it too!” And that’s what made me go for it. The challenge group was very supportive and helped hold me accountable. Without that I don’t think I could have made it a whole 90 days, and definitely would not be making this a lifestyle change. No words can express what the group of support has done for me Now that I have accomplished this, I feel AWESOME and cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me.”

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