In 2011 I was curious, “What are the Top Coaches actually doing every day to build the incredible businesses that they have? I wanted to know how to build an elite team like my coach had done. I knew other people would want to know the answer to that questions as well so I got to work and figured it out. In 2012 after I had hit Success Club 10 for over an entire year, earned my first Success Club trip, and walked away from my full-time job together with my wife, I made a YouTube video called “The 10 Things I do Every Day for my Business”. So many people loved the simplicity and instructions on what a Top coach was doing. Fast forward to 2022 and we have hit Success Club 10 for 131 Consecutive months, hit top 10 in the company, led an Elite team 6 times, have built a team of over 45,000 coaches, and have coached people to win the $100,000 Beachbody Challenge Grand Prize, and I want to continue helping YOU understand how to build a Beachbody Coach business in 2022. I have included in this blog post the actual Success Club System Daily Business Active Tracker PDF along with a 14 video series/playlist of how to do EACH item on the Business Activity Tracker. Consider this your JOB OUTLINE and a checklist of everything you should do each day. Each of these videos will be between 3-7 minutes long and show you exactly what our incredible team is doing daily to build the business that we have. If you are already a coach feel free to use this help train your teams whether you are on our team or not. If you are a female coach and not sure how to mentor or coach your male coaches ( Use this to help them get a male perspective!) If you are a woman building this business and want your husband to understand the business ( Have them watch these!)
If you are NOT a coach yet and trying to figure out exactly what a coach is or what they do, use these videos to get an understanding of how to build this business.

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