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How to change your life

How to change your life

David Walker Bohnenberger

I want to give a shout out to my buddy David for how he has changed his life.  He looks like a completely different man!  I have him share some of his tips and tools that helped him get the results that he got.  If you don’t have 2 hours a day to go to the gym feel free to CONTACT ME about finding a workout that will fit your busy schedule.  If you want to learn how to change your life you will want to surround yourself with others that are passionate about change as well.  One of my favorite people to listen to is Tony Robbins and I love how he shares that you should get around people that are playing at a level higher than yourself.  This will make you uncomfortable and make you have the desire to change.

results may vary

How to change your life?

“I dropped from a size 40 to a size 34, 277lbs to 192, and all I did was I was in the gym for 2-2 1/2 hours doing anaerobic workouts making sure my shirt was a different color before I left, the sauna, and cut out fast food, greasy food, fried food, soda/sugar drinks, and live a Paleo influenced lifestyle! It’s truly been a lifestyle change and I feel AMAZING. I can be more active with my friends and my confidence has shot up so much. I’m not done with my transformation though, I still have abs and those V lines to get!”