I was THAT human. You know the kind. I was the kinda human who would rollllll her eyes whenever she saw someone sharing about their wellness journey. I was the kinda human who would scoff at anyone who talked about doing personal development. I was the kinda human who took offence any time anyone mentioned living a healthier lifestyle. I had convinced myself I was “living my best life” by spending every night that ended in y partying it up, sleeping in, having no motivation to do anything, missing out on life. I would smile. But there was no happiness there. I got reeeeally good at faking it though. Hurt people hurt people. And I was hurting.
I was overwhelmed and overworked.
I was judgy and jaded.
I wasn’t myself.
And it wasn’t until one day, on the dozenth try (I’ve gone back through our messages and tallied it), that my friend (now friend AND coach) sliiiid into my DMs inviting me to join her accountability community that I finally said YAAAAS!
“You’re so full of joy. You seem so free. You’ve got energy. That’s what I need in my life.”
And I’ve led my business from a place of finding to joy in movement, freedom in food (and of time), and exuding good energy ever since.

In December 2015, I committed to becoming a better version of myself. I wasn’t quite sure what I was committed to but I’m not really half ass kinda human. When I do something, I go full ass. So I did that. Found a form of movement that brought me joy, educated myself on how to start viewing food as fuel and not as comfort, and begrudgingly started feeding my mind with books and podcasts too. I started glowing up in all ways.
TW: You see, that human who was leaving her coach on read every time she sent an invite, she was so bitter and judgy and mean girl-y because she was scared. And she was scared because she felt stuck. She had been silently battling multiple eating disorders (binge eating, bulimia, body dismorphia) for years. And was spending her days swirling around in a cyclone she didn’t see a way out of.
… Until she discovered Beachbody.
In July 2019, my mentor, someone who I admire so dang much, asked me to host a team call. I was so nervous. It had been something I had wanted to do for so long. And for the first time ever, I shared my battles with disordered eating. I felt seen. I felt supported. And I knew that MY STORY MATTERED. And I needed to start using my voice more!
Later that month, after attending Coach Summit in Indy, I made a commitment to #BE100. Everyone was telling me this was gonna be MY program. Jericho’s energy paired with the variety of workouts AND the concept of giving it all you’ve got was “so me.” And that program launch RELAUNCHED my biz AND reactivated the light inside me.
From then on, I leaned into my leadership, working closely with my leaders to achieve their own biz goals. In mid November, when my corporate mentor gave me a call to tell me we had the points to be an Elite team, I was just missing a Diamond, I leaned into my leadership even more! We qualified for 2 Star on the last possible week and locked Premiere.
In February 2020, I attend the New Leader Conference, and I promised myself, sitting in those chairs, looking up at that stage, that I would be speaking there “next year.” And I got to work to make that dream a reality!
By June 2020, we were an Elite qualifying team.
In July 2020, I crossed something else off my vision board. I spoke on the National Wakeup Call, sharing my story with 400,000+ coaches in the entire network.
And in January 2021, that sentence I had scribbled on my notebook in that room at the Intercontinental in Los Angeles became a reality. I spoke on the coach panel at NLC 2021, sharing MY story about how I got there. Full circle, v proud moment.
And now, in 2021, I, AMQ, can proudly say: I’m in ed recovery (it’s a battle every day but I’m a warrior), and Good Vibes Wellness is an Elite top Canadian team, ranked top 200 in the entire network, and full of humans who are passionate about making an impact while making an income.
We’re all about the humans.
We’re all about the stories.
We’re all about the commUNITY (heavy on the unity.)
It doesn’t matter where you start.
Or how many times you stop.
YOU are in the driver’s seat of your life.
YOU are the captain of your destiny!
YOU are maker of your dreams!
So start where you are.
Make sure you’ve got a map.
And stay the course.
There WILL be detours.
But if you know where you’re going, you’ll get there!
Whatever you want… YOU ALREADY HAVE IT.
You’ve just gotta claim it as yours!