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I Am Team Beachbody - Erica Greer Beachbody Coach Success

Erica Greer

2014 👉🏼 2017

That picture on the left was about one week after I became a coach with Beachbody. At the time I was battling with alcoholism, serious digestive problems, closet drug use AND an eating disorder that I was in compIete and total denial over. I actually started that particular online fitness challenge with the 21 day fix and shakeology because even at 107 lbs, I wanted to lose more weight. Clearly, I had some serious issues and needed help.

Beachbody has done so much for me, my health, my mentality, and my well being that it’s so hard to put into words just how grateful I am.

I don’t know where I would be today if I never invested in that challenge pack, but I do know that without beachbody coming into my life I wouldnt be the woman that I am today.

April 16th with be my 3 year coachaversary and it’s safe to say that I’m in this for life. Helping other women to break their bad habits and get out of the darkness they face everyday. Helping them to live healthy and happy, to live life to the fullest, to love who they are from the inside out and to have the confidence and courage to go after their dreams is just one of my life’s purposes.

With that being said, I have a brand new #SpringIntoHealth bootcamp starting this month and it would be an honor to help you reach for the stars and work toward making those dreams come true.

Trust me, it took me quite some time to sit back and watch everyone else do this before I finally made the leap myself..but that leap was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. That leap is what lead me to the life I live today and the son I will hold in my arms in 3 short months!

If you’re serious about wanting to change your life, I really can help you if you’re willing to help yourself. Message me and let’s taco bout what your future holds!

>See what I did there< 😝🌮

#IAmTeamBeachbody 🙏🏼💙

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