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I feel like crap - What do I do?


Amie Peterson

I have to give a huge shout out to my friend Amie Peterson for sharing her result after 2 rounds of the awesome Beachbody workout called 21 Day Fix.  Prior to starting she was always asking herself, “why do I feel like crap”.  The answer is so obvious but you may be asking the same question as Amie was and that is why we are excited to share with you how you can overcome this feeling.  I will start with saying that any day that I skip my workout, I feel like crap.  The days that I do my workout, no matter how tired I am or feel. I feel AWESOME.  So the answer most often is quiet simple.  Our bodies were designed to MOVE and be active.  With that being said I want to show you also how her body has changed since starting 42 days ago on her own health and fitness journey.  She is now a Team Beachbody Coach like myself and so excited to share with others how they can improve all areas of their life by being a part of this amazing company.


results may vary

 Amy shared with me, “The picture was after 21 day fix (2 rounds).  I had trouble in the beginning pressing play! Then I made the commitment with the help of my husband who did it with me and was my accountability partner, and I was down 10lbs and around 6 inches!  I did it because I was completed run down, feeling like CRAP, started to feel depressed about carrying extra weight, and being constantly tired.  I wanted better!  Now I feel great, since then I have completed 21 Day Fix, Extreme and I am doing something I swore I would NEVER DO…. Insanity!  I am 2 1/2 weeks in and its crazy …I feel great, more energized and motivated than ever to continue my personal journey but also feel validated in helping my team with theirs by leading from the front!


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